Medical World Case Study

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Medical World is a major provider of medical and pharmaceutical equipment, supplying everything from disposable, single-use sterile instruments to full-body protective clothing.

Order processing is complex!  The business is divided into four divisions – medical, dentistry, podiatrist and veterinary – and the product catalogue is vast.  In addition, order qualification adds a further layer of complexity, and pricing and discounting policies are hard to manage.  Some customers are entitled to order prescription drugs, whereas others are not and some products require written authorization, signed by a registered medical practitioner.

The Business Problem

The complexity of the business had reached a point where it was no longer practical to process orders manually.  Customer vetting and qualification was too complex and the manual processing of customer and order data was prone to error.

A more efficient and reliable process was needed.

The Solution has developed an extension to the existing website.  A new registration and login area has been created for account holders, allowing them to manage their accounts on-line.  Orders can be placed directly into the system 24/7; individual client discounting policies are applied directly to the check-out price; and the system manages the authorization requirements of restricted product categories.

All orders are now placed directly into Sage, removing a huge and error-prone administrative overhead and providing a seamless order processing mechanism.

The Result

The benefits are huge!  Customers are able to place orders easily, reliably and at a time that suits them, rather than being restricted to placing telephone orders during office hours.

Order-taking capacity has been increased; the potential for administrative error has been massively reduced; and maintaining the product catalogue has become a manageable process.

The case provides a classic example of the criticality of making sure that business processes match the needs of rapidly growing businesses.  A well thought through investment in IT has provided a secure and effective platform for future growth, as well as a complete solution to a major problem.


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