Ace Embroidery Logo Manager Case Study

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Ace Embroidery is a well-established firm specialising in embroidering, printing and engraving logos and marketing images onto a wide range of products.

They are one of our long-standing customers and the Ace Proof Manager is the subject of an earlier study.  This case looks at a different issue: the problem of logo duplication.

The Business Problem

Logos change constantly!  Businesses evolve and develop and ‘branding’ has to keep up.  Operating in such a fluid environment presents a lot of challenges, particularly when dealing with long-standing customers.  It is all too easy to use an old or non-approved variant, with very expensive consequences!

Historically, Ace used a manual file-based system that no longer met the needs of a growing business.  Individual folders could easily contain multiple variants of a logo and, in too many cases, multiple folders had been created for single customers.

As a result, machinists could never be sure that they were working with the right design or even applying the right type of logo.  Having to reject an entire batch is both expensive and frustrating!

The Solution

We solved this problem with an internal, web-based application.

An electronic customer record is now maintained, providing a single source for all the information the machinists require.  The status of logo designs is maintained, ensuring that only the current approved version is available for use.
The system also controls the application process to be used, ensuring that an order for embroidered logos is not fulfilled using transfer prints!  Batch times are also calculated, significantly improving the efficiency of the machining process.

Finally, the system provides a seamless link to Ace Proof Manager, enabling customers to approve proofs quickly and with confidence.

The Result

The risk of error has been massively reduced.

Problems of version control and duplication have all but been eliminated.

The efficiency of the machining process has been significantly improved.

Our long-term relationship with Ace has enabled them to adopt a coordinated and effective approach to process improvement throughout the business.

The case is another example of the power of IT to streamline core operational processes, enabling dynamic businesses to improve competitiveness.

Feel free to get in touch if you would like more information on how we can help improve your key business processes